martedì 3 aprile 2007


Senza parole ... (per gli amici italiani).
(Per chi non conosce l'italiano, fornisco di seguito un aiuto in inglese, tale da poter comprendere il senso della goliardata da caserma di cui sopra.)

The following are the captions of the ludicrous, low comic strips above. As with any translation, the English text will render the original Italian meaning only in part.
N.B. The Italian title of this post puns on words, as the word "pene" means both "penis" and "pains, sufferings". So, the title may be meant either as "A penis' life" or "A life of sufferings". Such a pun fits perfectly with the situations of the "main character" of the above strips.

Order and number references to the above captions (top to bottom, left to right):

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

1. Being a penis is no easy task at all ...
2. I've got a head, yet I cannot think ...
3. I've got an eye, yet I cannot see ...
4. I always have to go around with a pair of balls hanging down like a bow tie ...
5. My neighbour smells of sewage and gives off stinking gas continuously ...
6. My favourite girlfriend smells of rotten fish ...
7. When my girlfriend is away, I risk being strangled.
8. Every time I turn on, I end up throwing up ...
9. ... and, what's worst, I am always griping my master's balls!

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