mercoledì 6 giugno 2007


Yanni (all’anagrafe Yiannis Chrysomallis) è un tastierista autodidatta nato nel 1954 a Kalamata (Grecia). Da giovane acquisì fama sportiva nel nuoto, stabilendo un record nazionale nei 50 metri stile libero. Successivamente si traferì in America dove frequentò l’Università del Minensota, laureandosi in psicologia. Dopo la laurea, Yanni decise di dedicarsi alla musica, pur non avendo la ben che minima conoscenza in materia. Imparò da solo e, con il tempo, iniziò a scrivere composizioni proprie.
Il grande successo arrivò con la pubblicazione dell’album (corredato di video) “Yanni Live at the Acropolis”, registrato il 25 settembre 1993 all’Acropoli di Atene e pubblicato l’anno successivo. L’album e il video hanno venduto insieme più di 7 milioni di copie in tutto il mondo.
“Port of mystery” è una compilation che comprende brani dei primi album. La musica di Yanni viene sovente descritta come “new age”, sebbene l’artista ellenico preferisca la denominazione “musica strumentale contemporanea”. Si tratta di un album basato sulle tastiere elettroniche, tuttavia non dovete certo aspettarvi un disco pomposo come quelli dei mostri sacri progressive delle tastiere (es. Keith Emerson o Rick Wakeman).
“Port of mystery” è un album decisamente più “tranquillo” – in ogni caso, piacevole all’ascolto. Fra i brani che preferisco, “Looking glass”, “Port of mystery” e “Butterfly dance”.
Voto personale (scarso / insufficiente / sufficiente / buono / distinto / ottimo / eccellente): Distinto.

Yanni (born Yiannis Chrysomallis) is a a self-taught keyboard player born in Kalamata, Greece in 1954. Early in his life, he was also a competitive swimmer in Greece and set a national record in the 50-meter freestyle competition. He later attended the University of Minnesota and earned a B.A. in psychology. After graduation, Yanni chose to try a career in music, although he could not read music and had no formal training. Using his own form of musical shorthand, he began writing original works.
Yanni's breakthrough commercial success came with the release of his album and video “Yanni, Live at the Acropolis”, which was filmed on September 25, 1993 at the 2,000-year-old Acropolis, Athens, and released in 1994. The album and the video have sold altogether more than 7 million copies worldwide.
“Port of Mystery” is a compilation including tracks from the early albums. Yanni’s music is frequently described as “new age”, though he prefers the term "contemporary instrumental”. Based on electronic keyboards, “Port of mystery” in an interesting work by a solo keyboardist. Yet, do not expect pompous music such as prog icons Keith Emerson’s or Rick Wakeman’s.
A quite enjoyable album, in any case. My favourite tracks include “Looking glass”, “Port of mystery” and “Butterfly dance".
My personal mark (very poor / poor / pass / good / fairly good / very good / excellent): Fairly good.


1. The sphynx
2. You live only once
3. Port of mystery
4. Butterfly dance
5. Farewell
6. Street level
7. The magus
8. Looking glass


2 commenti:

edulms ha detto...

Thanks; I didn't know; Very good album !

ANGELA ha detto...

Hi, very nice site. I am also a huge Yanni fan. Did you know that........

Yanni has joined forces with the Oscar/Grammy winning producer, Ric Wake, to create new music and discover extraordinary vocal artists! Yanni and Ric's goal is to collaborate with prodigy singers/songwriters and put them in the most creative environment possible to reach their full potential. There are over 80 new compositions to date!

Visit for the latest news and updates, and view his new video.
YST, Angela