domenica 23 settembre 2012

BY THE DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT (Harold Budd) - 1991

Torniamo alla musica ambient che, come avrete notato, caratterizza il mio blog, dopo la ‘ripresa’ dell’attività di quasi un anno fa. Ed ecco, allora, un altro album di Harold Budd, intitolato “By the dawn's early light”, pubblicato nel 1991. Oltre a distinguersi per le atmosfere minimaliste/ambient tipiche del musicista, l’album contiene alcune brevi poesie, lette dallo stesso Harold.

Un album suggestivo, orchestrale, malinconico. Da non perdere se si è appassionati del genere.

Voto personale: 9 / 10.

Let’s go back to ambient music, the kind of music prevailing in this blog of mine after I started again the blogging activity nearly one year ago. So, one of the best choices is this album by Harold Budd, entitled “By the dawn’s early light” (1991). The album is typical of Budd's signature ambient/minimalist style, and features several short poems, each of them read by Budd himself.

A magic, melancholic album based on orchestra strings and other miscellaneous instruments.

My personal mark: 9 out of 10.


1. Aztec Hotel (Poem)
2. Boy about 10
3. Arcadia
4. Dead horse alive with flies
5. The photo of Santiago McKinn
6. The corpse at the shooting gallery
7. Albion farewell
8. Distant lights of Olancha recede (Poem)
9. Down the slopes to the meadow
10. She dances by the light of the silvery moon
11. Blind bird
12. Saint's name spoken
13. The place of dead roads
14. A child in a sylvan field
15. Boy about 10 (Poem)
16. Wings (Poem)
17. No name (Poem)
18. Advent (Poem)


Ved. comm.   /   See comm.

1 commento:

Anonimo Veneziano ha detto...