venerdì 28 agosto 2009


Il 22 luglio 2008 ho postato l’unico e solo album dei Sensations’ Fix presente in questo blog: “Fragments of light”. Nonostante il nome, i Sensations’ Fix sono di fatto un gruppo italiano, essendone Franco Falsini leader e anima creativa. Un gruppo italiano che si rifà al cosiddetto “kraut-rock” teutonico.
“Portable madness” è il secondo lavoro di questa band. I singoli brani si susseguono senza interruzioni, dando in tal modo l’impressione di un’unica, lunga traccia per ogni lato del disco, proprio come nel caso dei Tangerine Dream, maestri indiscussi del kraut-rock. Rispetto all’album d’esordio summenzionato, “Portable madness” presenta una musica più ambiziosa e complessa, al tempo stesso più ‘orecchiabile’ secondo gli attuali gusti e canoni stilistici musicali.
Voto personale (insufficiente / sufficiente / buono / distinto / ottimo / eccellente): Distinto.

On July 22nd 2008, I posted the only album by Sensations’ Fix found on this blog of mine: “Fragments of light”. Despite their name, Sensations’ Fix are an Italian band, due to Franco Falsini being the leader and creative core. An Italian band who pays tribute to the so-called German “kraut-rock”.
“Portable madness” is the second album released by the band. The individual tracks the album is made up of segue in to each other, so one gets the impression to listen to one long track for each side, exactly like it was the case for almost all the albums by Tangerine Dreams, the masters of kraut rock. Compared with the debut album mentioned above, “Portable madness” features more ambitious and complex music which, at the same time, is also “easier” to listen when it comes to present-day trends and musical taste.
My personal mark (poor / pass / good / fairly good / very good / excellent): Fairly good.


Franco Falsini - chitarre, sintetizzatori (guitars, synthetizers)
Richard Ursillo - basso, pedaliere elettroniche (bass, electronic pedals)
Keith Edwards - batteria e percussioni (drums and percussions)


1. Smooth and round
2. Fullglast
3. Phase one and phase two
4. Underwater
5. The next place of nobody
6. Party day resistance
7. Leave my chemistry alone
8. Strange about the hands
9. Relative jump into water


1 commento:

Chocomel ha detto...

I had never heard of Sensation's Fix, thank you for introducing me to their music. I can't wait to explore more of your posts!

Again, thank you