L’omonimo album d’esordio da solista di Steve Winwood (1977), tre anni dopo lo scioglimento dei Traffic, è un’azzeccato mix di pop, soul e accenni al funky. Con il passare degli anni, ho imparato ad apprezzare sempre più l’album, che acquistai subito dopo la pubblicazione. Ne è passato del tempo … comunque, come recita il proverbio, meglio tardi che mai …
Voto personale (insufficiente / sufficiente / buono / distinto / ottimo / eccellente): Distinto.
Steve Winwood’s namesake debut album (1977), released three years after Traffic had Broken up, is an excellent mix of pop, soul and funk. As years went by, I came to appreciate this album more and more (incidentally, I bought it soon after it had been released). It took me a very, very long time to dig it … in any case, as the proverb says, “better late than never” …
My personal mark (poor / pass / good / fairly good / very good / excellent): Fairly good.
1. Hold on
2. Time is running out
3. Midland maniac
4. Vacant chair
5. Luck’s in
6. Let me make something in your life
STEVE WINWOOD (1977) – 84,6 MB
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