giovedì 10 novembre 2011

GO (S. Yamashta, S. Winwood & Co.) - 1976

Un pomeriggio del lontano 1976, quando ero ragazzo, ricordo di avere ascoltato alla radio un brano che mi colpì, un brano intitolato ‘Solitude’ composto e realizzato dai Go. Ma chi diavolo erano questi Go?

Venni in breve tempo a sapere che si trattava di un ‘supergruppo’ capitanato da Stomu Yamashta e Steve Window. Ma non ebbi mai modo di ascoltare l’album intero, fino a poco tempo fa.

‘Go’ è il nome sia della formazione sia dell’album d’esordio che vado a proporvi oggi. Definibile prevalentemente come rock progressivo (talvolta ‘ambient’ music), il disco presenta anche momenti vivaci (funk, pop???) che lo rendono, tutto sommato, un ottimo ascolto

Voto personale (insufficiente / sufficiente / buono / distinto / ottimo / eccellente): Distinto/ottimo

I can still remember listening, one afternoon in 1976, when I was a teenager, to a nice song on the radio, a song that favourably impressed me a lot, which was entitled ‘Solitude’ had had been composed and played by Go. But I asked myself: “Who the devil are Go?”

I soon came to know that Go were a supergroup led by Stomu Yamashat and Steve Winwood, yet I did not have the possibility to dig the entire album, until a few months ago.

So, ‘Go’ is the name both of the band and their debut album, which I’m proposing to you today. A prevailing progressive rock album (yet with some hints at ambient music), ‘Go’ also features some rhythmic, bright tracks, which sound sort of funky, pop music. All things considered, an album worth being listened to.

My personal mark (poor / pass / good / fairly good / very good/ excellent): Fairly/very good


- Stomu Yamashta: tastiere, percussioni (keyboards, percussion)

- Steve Winwood: voce, tastiere (vocals, keyboards)

- Klaus Schulze: sintetizzatori (synthetizers)

- Al Di Meola: chitarra solista (lead guitar)

- Michele D’Adamo: chitarre (guitars)

- Michael Shrieve: batteria (drums)

- Rosko Gee: basso (bass)


  1. Solitude
  2. Nature
  3. Air over
  4. Crossing the line
  5. Man of Leo
  6. Stellar
  7. Space theme
  8. Space requiem
  9. Space song
  10. Carnival
  11. Ghost machine
  12. Surfspin
  13. Time is here
  14. Winner/Loser

GO (S. Yamashta, S. Winwood & Co.) – 46.6 MB

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